mercoledì 25 marzo 2009

il problema è dover prendere la scala

per cambiare i driver

sabato 21 marzo 2009

piccole rogers e grandi quad

rogers versine da 15 ohm, secondo molti la migliore.
quad 63
secondo molti il miglior diffusore elettrostatico

giovedì 19 marzo 2009


cabinet 4560

woofers E 140

driver 2446 j

tweeter 2405

tweeter 2402

lunedì 16 marzo 2009

western electric from china

credo che il solo modo per costruire ancora ogi oggetti come questi sia costruirli in cina.

sarebbe impensabile costruirli in europa o negli stati uniti .

in europa o negli stati uniti solo un pazzo investirebbe dei soldi in una iniziativa simile.

i prezzi di vendita sarebbero altissimi e sarebbero pochissimi gli appassionati disposti a spendere decine di migliaia di euro per comprarli, specialmenti in questo periodo di crisi.

se i prodotti di questa ditta saranno all'altezza della situazione molti appassionati potranno avvicinarsi al fantastico mondo western electric, certo con delle copie ma se ben costruite non è detto che non possano suonare quasi come gli originali e sicuramente meglio di molti oggetti western electric arrivati fino ai giorni nostri in condizioni pessime e magari riparati da tecnici non all'altezza .

un abile appassionato italiano costruisce le repliche di trombe wester electric, sono bellissime e i prezzi non esagerati , il problema però è reperire i driver e sopratutto pagarli migliaia di euro.

quasi sempre questi oggetti si trovano negli stati uniti , a volte in asia

bisogna essere abbastanza incoscenti per comprare li questi oggetti.

personalmente sono molto incoscente, ho comprato e non ho mai avuto problemi per acquisti fatti in questi paesi, ma la fregatura è sempre in agguato.
a tutto ciò bisogna aggiungere costi di spedizione e dogana a volte assurdi..

quando ho visto questi oggetti mi è subito venuta la voglia di averli .....e mi sto dando da fare in questo senso.......

domenica 15 marzo 2009

classè audio ca 201

200 watt per canale

possibilità funzionamento mono

ingressi bilanciati e linea

braccio maywaare formula 4

cablaggio interno van den hul

condizioni perfette

giovedì 12 marzo 2009

Un po di teoria


The loudspeaker drivers

The three different types of drivers according to frequency capabilities are tweeters,
midrange and bass drivers.
There are several different driver designs per type. Quite a few exotic types have come up over the years and disappeared again. The classics are still:
dome tweeter
ribbon tweeter
tweeter(reasonably priced)

dome and cone drivers for midrange

cone drivers for bass Please send us an E-mail should you have further questions...

The CrossoverThis component ensures that the individual drivers receive only the signal that the respective driver is able to process well. Additionally, it adjusts the volume of tweeter and midrange driver.
The main parts of the crossover are:
coils - our calculation software, capacitors - our calculation software,
resistors and a PCB where the components are mounted and wired up.
The crossover should be calculated mathematically correct using the complex calculus something you should spare yourself.
Therefore, we are providing a few tools for you:
hints regarding the design of a crossover as well as a
2 - way crossover calculator and a
multi-way crossover calculator
Please bear in mind that an optimum loudspeaker cannot be calculated with these tools alone, since the characteristics of the drivers (frequency rise...) still have to be considered.
We have collected more than 250 design

Programmi utili per l'autocostruttore:

Calculation of cabinet: The cabinet should fit to your woofer in the cabinet. The following tools help you designing a box:
closed cabinet

ported cabinet

transmission line cabinet

volume calculator

LspCAD Lite
crossover calculator: If you need a crossover, this can be calculated for speaker with totally flat frequency and impedance response (what is not the reality).

2-way crossover

multiple way crossover (java-applet)
crossover calculations


Frequency Response Leveller








device and cable calculator:




the room
Helmholtz resonator

room resonances
speaker development:


design of a multiple driver loudspeaker

T&S parameters measuring
Frequency and phase response measuring
Special Considerations

II software for measurement

sine wave generatorfor MS Windows ©

Oscilloscope 1

Oscilloscope 2

Slowdown touse the DOS basedNetcalc *)

AuduaSpeaker Workshopsoftware

Questi sono alcuni scritti del Dott Edgar

The Edgar Midrange HornPage 01, JPG, 226KB Page 02, JPG, 352KB Page 03, JPG, 302KB Page 04, JPG, 207KB Page 05, JPG, 255KB Page 06, JPG, 297KB Page 07, JPG, 280KB Page 08, JPG, 298KB Page 09, JPG, 291KB Page 10, JPG, 280KB Page 11, JPG, 324KB Single file, all pages, PDF, 9.6MB
Reprinted, with permission, from Dr. Bruce Edgar and Speaker Builder, Issue 1, 1986, p.p. 7-17, of Speaker Builder magazine.© Copyright 1986 by Audio Amateur Corporation. P.O. Box 876, Peterborough, NH 03458, USA. All rights reserved.

The Show HornPage 01, JPG, 314KB Page 02, JPG, 281KB Page 03, JPG, 314KB Page 04, JPG, 235KB Page 05, JPG, 335KB Page 06, JPG, 140KB Page 07, JPG, 361KB Page 08, JPG, 373KB Page 09, JPG, 356KB Page 10, JPG, 404KB Page 11, JPG, 377KB Page 12, JPG, 310KB Single file, all pages, PDF, 11.9MB
Reprinted, with permission, from Speaker Builder, Issue 2, 1990, p.p. 10-12, 14, 16-20, 22-23, 75, of Speaker Builder magazine.© Copyright 1990 by Audio Amateur Corporation. P.O. Box 876, Peterborough, NH 03458, USA. All rights reserved.

The Monolith HornPage 1, JPG, 254KB Page 2, JPG, 282KB Page 3, JPG, 245KB Page 4, JPG, 387KB Page 5, JPG, 396KB Page 6, JPG, 323KB Page 7, JPG, 271KB Single file, all pages, PDF, 6.9MB
Reprinted, with permission, from Dr. Bruce Edgar and Speaker Builder, Issue 6, 1993, p.p.12-14, 16, 18, 24-25, of Speaker Builder magazine.© Copyright 1993 by Audio Amateur Corporation. P.O. Box 876, Peterborough, NH 03458, USA. All rights reserved.

Un intervista

Edgar Interview, PDF, 330KB
An interview that "Audio Minister Plenipotentiary" Dave Glackin did with Dr. Bruce Edgar. Even though it's pretty dated it's also a must read.

Altri articoli

The Dinstale Horn Loudspeaker Design Articles
Three articles summarizing the development of the design theories and concluded with two systems for construction by J. Dinsdale. Reprinted from Wireless World, March 1974.
Also an interesting article to read which is being refered to very often. However, as Dr. Bruce Edgar already pointed out on AA, it's loaded with wrong headed ideas. He wrote me that he will perhaps write an critique which I will add here.
Here is the link to his posting on AA. Or read this quotation:
The first wrong assumption is the use of any old driver in a horn. He used KEF drivers which are mass loaded. If you place these drivers on a horn, you lose bandwith. Notice that he does not present any frequency response plots.The second wrong assumption is the design of a tractrix bass horn. It's an contradiction in terms. You can't get bass out of a tractrix design.The third wrong assumption is bad things happen at the flare cutoff so Dinsdale says to back off by 20% the flare frequency. Some software out there uses this assuption. You plug in a frequency but you end up with a horn of lower flare frequency (20% below) that is longer than you need. But even worse, the mouth size is calculated for the input frequency, not the lower value. So the end result is a lower flare rate and a longer

Horn Loudspeaker Design Part 1, PDF, 881KB
"Horn Loudspeaker Design", by J. DinsdaleReprinted from Wireless World, Mar 1974, pp. 19-24.© Copyright GM Media Corp., 5201 Blue Lagoon Drive, Miami, FL 33126, USA. All rights reserved. Horn Loudspeaker Design Part 2, PDF, 1426KB
"Horn Loudspeaker Design - Part 2", by J. DinsdaleReprinted from Wireless World, May 1974, pp. 133-138.© Copyright GM Media Corp., 5201 Blue Lagoon Drive, Miami, FL 33126, USA. All rights reserved. Horn Loudspeaker Design Part 3, PDF, 971KB
"Horn Loudspeaker Design - Part 3", by J. DinsdaleReprinted from Wireless World, Jun 1974, pp. 186-190.© Copyright GM Media Corp., 5201 Blue Lagoon Drive, Miami, FL 33126, USA. All rights reserved.

Alcuni piani per costruire un subwoofer

Eminence Tapped Horny
Plans of the Eminence tapped horn, AutoCAD 2000 format, 110KB Plans of the Eminence tapped horn, PDF format, 70KB
It's a large 20Hz tapped horn for 15" drivers. Suitable drivers are the obsolete Eminence EPS15-500 and the current Kappalite 3015LF, DEFINIMAX 4015LF or MTX Audio T7515-04 (many others will work as well).

30Hz Tangband Tapped Horn
Plans of the mini Tangband tapped horn, AutoCAD 2000 format, 200KB Plans of the mini Tangband tapped horn, PDF format, 130KB
It's a small tapped horn for a 6.5" Tangband W6-1139SC or W6-1139SG.

38Hz Tangband Tapped Horn
Plans of the mini Tangband tapped horn, PDF format, 310KB
It's my second Tapped Horn for the 6.5" Tangband W6-1139SC or W6-1139SG

e come costruire una tromba tactrix

Tractrix Horn CalculatorTractrix Horn Calculator v1.3a, 321KMB Tractrix Horn Calculator v1.4b ⇐ Beta Version! with some new features, 372KB
Here is a (at least for me) very helpfull tool to calculate and design straight round and rectangular Tractrix horns as well as Hypex Horns. A "filter section" is currently under construction.It's throat calculation is based on the "Show Horn" article and the tractrix formula is from the Edgar Midrange Horn article. Both articles written by Dr. Bruce Edgar for the "Speaker Builder Magazine" (articles see below).
I included some helpfull functions to easily create script files to draw the tractrix curves in AutoCAD (TM). You just have to copy a column to a test file with the extension *.scr. Then execute the so called script file in AutoCAD. Be shure to swich off "ortho" and "osnap" before. This sometimes causes strange results.
If you have problems understanding what I did or what this spreadsheet is able to do for you don't hasitate to contact me.

mercoledì 11 marzo 2009

diffusori ad alta dinamica

cabinet altec 614
woofers pioneer pw 38
driver pioneer pm 101
trombe pioneer multicellulari
tweeter sansui anni 60 con magnete in alnico montato su tromba tactrix diametro 13 cm.
bastano 3 watt di un finale con le 2 a 3 per una dinamica sconvolgente

Dopo qualche ora di prove ho spostato la tromba degli alti e l'ho messa sopra a quella dei medi.

In questo modo la scesa si è ulteriormente ampliata arrivando ad essere ben più ampia della distanza tra i due diffusori, c'è più aria tra gli esecutori e la profondità è circa il doppio della distanza dei diffusori dalla parete posteriore.

Con nessun disco dei molti che ho ascoltato hanno provocato fenomeni di fatica d'ascolto, neanche a volume molto elevato.